Academic Activity- Giant sheath-folded nappe stack demonstrates extreme subhorizontal shear str... 2022-03-24
- Passive margins in accreting Archean archipelagos signal continental stabilit... 2022-03-24
- Timothy M. Kusky 2022-02-20
- Timothy Kusky, Yang Huang, Lu Wang, Paul T. Robinson, Richard Wirth, Ali Pola... 2022-02-20
- Temporal variations in the incompatible trace element systematics of Archean... 2021-12-09
- Alpine-style nappes thrust over ancient North China continental margin demons... 2021-10-26
- Onset of plate tectonics by the Eoarchean 2021-10-10
- Archean dome-and-basin style structures form during growth and death of intr... 2021-10-10
- GuanjieXiang, ZhenshengWang, Timothy M.Kusky 2021-10-08
- African (tectonic) retreat (seismically) shakes Greece and Turkey 2021-10-08
- Dong Fu1, Bo Huang, Tim E. Johnson, Simon A. Wilde, Fred Jourdan, Ali Polat1,... 2021-09-09
- WenxiaoZhou, BoHuang, YunxuWei, HaiquanLi, MantangTan, DongFu 2021-09-08
- BoHuang,Timothy M.Kusky, Tim E.Johnson, Simon A.Wild, LuWang,AliPolat, DongFu 2021-08-13
- Dong Fu, Timothy M. Kusky, Simon A. Wilde, Brian F. Windley, Ali Polat1, Bo H... 2021-08-13
- XiongWang JunfengZhang AndréaTommasi ZhichengJing MaoshanYuan 2021-08-13