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Center for Global Tectonics, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan

The mission of the Center for Global Tectonics is to provide a world-class research and educational environment that examines the interaction of the lithosphere, asthenosphere, deep Earth, and how plate tectonic motions and history determines the locations and size of significant Earth Resources. The center boasts a number of world-class researchers in plate tectonics, geophysics, seismology, crustal evolution, mineraldeposits, and Earth resources.

The center bridges traditional gaps between disciplines and provides an environment for students and researchers to develop projects using integrated global and regional databases, field studies, and numerical models. Our aim is to make fundamental advances in the fields of Precambrian tectonics, orogenesis, and deep Earth structure.

中国地质大学 版权所有 

地址:湖北省武汉市鲁磨路 388号 邮编:430074 

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