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Onset of plate tectonics by the Eoarchean
Date: 2021-10-10      SourceLink:      ClickTimes:
Onset of plate tectonics by the Eoarchean
Brian F. Windley a,b , Tim Kusky a,* , Ali Polat c,a  
a  State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, Center for Global Tectonics, Three Gorges Center for Geohazards, China University of Geosciences,  Wuhan 430074, China
b  Department of Geology, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK

c  School of the Environment, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON N9B, Canada


One of the most contentious areas of Earth Science today is when, or whether or not modern-style plate tectonics was in operation in the Archean Eon. In this review we present evidence that the onset of plate tectonics was not at 3.2 Ga, as popularly conceived, but was in operation during the Eoarchean by at least ca. 4.0 Ga. Following a review of the main Eoarchean supracrustal belts of the world, constrained by relevant geochemical/isotopic data, we present evidence that suggests that from at least ca. 4.0 Ga Earth produced considerable juvenile mafic crust and consequent island arcs by Accretionary Cycle Plate Tectonics. From ~3.2 Ga there was a gradual transition in geodynamics to more abundant active continental margin magmatism in the form of voluminous TTGs and sanukitoids. From 3.2 Ga to 2.5 Ga juvenile oceanic crust and arcs continued to form, accompanied by more active continental margin magmatism until ~2.7–2.5 Ga, by which time there were sufficient crustal rocks to amalgamate into incipient large continents, the fragmentation of which started the first complete classical Wilson Cycle Plate Tectonics of breaking apart and re-assembling large continental masses. In other words, there were two types of plate tectonics in operation in the early Earth, Accretionary Cycle Plate Tectonics and Wilson Cycle Plate Tectonics, but Wilson Cycle type plate interactions only became more common after contiguous continental landmass became voluminous and extensive enough around 2.7–2.5 Ga. Failure to realize this dual mechanismof  continental growth may lead to erroneous ideas such as “plate tectonics started at 3.2 Ga”, or “mantle plumes generated early Archean magmatic rocks.We present new geochemical data that together with lithological and structural relationships, negate the various plume-type speculations including stagnant lids, heat pipes, and mushy-lid tectonics. It is interesting to consider that the way Earths crust developed in the first Gigayear of the geological record continued later, albeit in more advanced forms, into the Phanerozoic, where we can still recognize Accretionary Cycle Plate Tectonics and orogens still with short boundaries in examples including the Altaids of Central Asia, the Arabian-Nubian Shield, the Japanese Islands, and in incipient form in Indonesia, as well as Wilson Cycle Plate Tectonics that leads inexorably to continental collisions as in the Alpine-Himalayan orogen with its long plate boundaries. We recommend this holistic view of crustal growth and the evolution of continents that leads to a robust, viable, and testable model of Earth evolution.

Plate tectonics initiation  
Wilson Cycle  
Accretionary orogen

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