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Third Annual Summer Field Meeting and Excursion
Date: 2017-03-25      SourceLink:      ClickTimes:



China University of Geosciences

Center for Global Tectonics

Third Annual Summer Field Meeting and Excursion


Archean Mélanges and Superimposed Tectonomagmatic Events in the Zanhuang Complex, North ChinaCraton: Structural Geology of a Late Archean Suture

Wuhan – Zanhuang (Xingtai) - Wuhan, August 27-Sept. 2, 2017

preceeded by (Aug. 26-27):

Short Course on Crustal Evolution by Walter Mooney and Alfred Kroner

and 1 day Symposium (Aug. 28) on:

Constraints on Archean Tectonic Style: mélanges, metamorphism, geochronology, seismology, geochemistry and numerical modeling

Conference Organizers 

Tim Kusky, Director, Center for Global Tectonics, School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074 (tkusky@gmail.com)

Wang Junpeng, Center for Global Tectonics, School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074 (wangjp@cug.edu.cn)

Deng Hao, Center for Global Tectonics, School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074 (denghao815@126.com)

Peng Peng, Institute for Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of China, Beijing (pengpengwj@mail.iggcas.ac.cn)

Zhai Mingguo, Institute for Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of China, Beijing (mgzhai@mail.igcas.ac.cn)


Preliminary Itinerary

pre-conference (Aug. 26-27) pre-conference short course in CUGW, "Crustal Evolution", led by   Walter Mooney and Alfred Kroner

Day 1 (Aug 27): arrive at CUGW, register and check in, open icebreaker at 7PM in CUGW

Day 2 (Aug 28): whole day conference in CUGW

Day 3 (Aug 29): travel to Zanhuang, stay in Xingtai City, evening meeting after dinner on field trip preparations and 'what we hope to show you"

Day 5 (Aug 30): full day on late Archean melanges of the Zanhuang Complex (led by Wang Junpeng, Deng Hao, T. Kusky)

Day 6 (Aug. 31): full day on mafic dikes cross-cuts melange fabrics, and late mafic dikes (led by Deng Hao, Wang Junpeng, T. Kusky); half day on  2.1 Ga sill complexes in Northern Zanhuang (lead by Peng Peng). Return to Xingtai around dinner time. Dinner. Some participants may take night train back to Beijing and skip the Xingtai-Wuhan-Beijing route.

Sept. 1. full day on  2.1 Ga sill complexes in Northern Zanhuang (lead by Peng Peng). Return to Xingtai around dinner time. Dinner. Some participants may take night train back to Beijing and skip the Xingtai-Wuhan-Beijing route.

Day 7 (Sept 2): participants leave Xingtai and go home.


conference registration (includes icebreaker, conference materials, and meals on Day 1 conference)

Field excursion (travel costs, hotel, and meals)

*Fees will be announced in the third circular, but we will do our best to keep them to a minimum, based on the number of people who express interest.

Find more details from pdf:2017.CUG.CGT.3rd.Field.Meeting.Circular.pdf



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