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Scientific Report by Thybo Hans
Date: 2018-09-25      SourceLink:      ClickTimes:


Report Title: From mantle dynamics to continental rifting, shelf evolution and basin subsidence & Fine-scale heterogeneity in the Earth’s mantle – observation and interpretation                                

Report Time300 PM, Sep. 21, 2018

                        300 PM, Sep. 25, 2018

Report PlaceMain Building 308

Introduction of the reporter:

Professor Hans Thybo is the current chairman of the International Lithosphere Program, chairman of EGU, academician of the Presidium of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences, academician of the European Academy of Sciences, fellow of Geological Society of American and academician of the Royal Astronomical Society of London. He has been the editor-in-chief of Tectonophysics magazine. He has been appointed as an "Overseas Assessment Expert" by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research covers many related fields of Geophysics and geology, and has published nearly 200 papers.

Report 1:

From mantle dynamics to continental rifting, shelf evolution and basin subsidence

Report 2:

Fine-scale heterogeneity in the Earth’s mantle – observation and interpretation


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