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Scientific Report by Erdin Bozkurt-Extensional Tectonics in Western Anatolia: Role of Migmatization
Date: 2017-07-12      SourceLink:      ClickTimes:


Brief introduction of Prof. Erdin Bozkurt

He is the Chairman of the Department of Geological Engineering at Middle East Technical University, also the member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences and Fellow of the Association of Turkish geology, is the best-known Turkish scientist working on the active deformation and neotectonics of Turkey, with associated seismic risks, resource development (including geothermal), and tectonic analysis of the changing tectonic regimes in Anatolia. He got a PHD in structural geology (neotectonics) in Keele University in 1994, and now he is the member of TSG-Tectonic Study Group (U.K.), chief editor of Geodinamica Acta, Associate Editor of Geological Society of America Bulletin and Geological Journal, The Journal of the Geological Society, London. He published more than 70 papers in international journals such as Geological Society of America Bulletin, Tectonics, Tectonophysics,which includes 13 special invited papers


Report Title: Extensional Tectonics in Western Anatolia: Role of Migmatization and Granitic Magmatism

Abstract: A 1-day workshop on Continental Extensional tectonics, with an emphasis on examples from the Menderes Massif, Anatolia. Prof. Bozkurt presented a series of interactive lectures including field studies of extensional core complexes, relationships between low-angle and high-angle faults, geochronology and dating of different events during extensional tectonics, relationships between plutonism, tectonism, and mineral deposits, and the role of migmatites in core complex evolution.


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