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Scientific report by WenJiao Xiao-Late Paleozoic accretionary structure in West Junggar area
Date: 2017-07-12      SourceLink:      ClickTimes:


With the invitation of Professor Timothy Kusky of the global geotectonic center of Earth Sciences Institute, a researcher at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, came to visit our school and make an academic report.

Reporting time: Monday (June 19, 2017) 9:00 a.m.

Report location: Yingbin building, lecture hall

Topic: Late Paleozoic accretionary structure in West Jungar area


Brief introduction of Xiao:

Wenjiao Xiao is a researcher of Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, deputy director of Xinjiang Institute of ecology and geography, rewarded by National Outstanding Youth Fund (2007), the chief scientist of a 973 (2007) project from national Ministry of science and technology of China. He mainly engaged in the study of Tethy and Central Asian orogenic belts. He has published more than 300 scientific papers, and is an editor of many international journals. Google Scholar cited 14902 times, H index 58; Web of Science in 160 articles cited 12319 times, H index 54; he is a Global High Cited Scientist since 2014 to 2016. 

Academic services:

GSA Bulletin (2016-2018)

Journal of Asian Earth Sciences

Geoscience Frontiers

Journal of the Geological Society, London

Terra Nova

Gondwana Research

International Journal of Geosciences

2005-2017 Adjunct Professor, Waterloo University, Canada

2012-2015 Honorary Professor, University of Hong Kong

Deputy director, Chinese Geological Society of structural geology and geodynamics of Specialized Committee

Deputy Secretary, Regional geological and metallogenic Specialized Committee, Geological Society of China

All of you are welcome to join us!


应地球科学学院全球大地构造中心Timothy Kusky教授邀请,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所肖文交研究员来我校访问并做学术报告。






    肖文交,中科院地质与地球物理研究所研究员,中科院新疆生态与地理研究所副所长,国家杰出青年基金获得者(2007年),国家科技部973项目首席科学家(2007年),首批国家中青年科技创新领军人才万人计划入选者。主要从事特提斯和中亚造山带造山与成矿作用等研究。通过野外解剖和年代学工作,确定了西昆仑造山带复杂的活动陆缘体系及其属性、构造样式与形成时代,厘定了叠加在早古生代拼贴体之上的岩浆弧和增生楔杂岩,探讨了早古生代-早中生代向南复合增生造山作用特征;系统分析了中亚造山带与弧相关的活动陆缘组分的时空分布特征,获得寒武纪古亚洲洋年代学证据,提出西伯利亚南缘在古生代发生多向增生、形成宽阔的增生拼贴构造带,建立增生楔-增生楔拼贴复杂增生造山作用新的工作模型,并指出复式增生造山作用是显生宙中亚大陆增生的主要机制之一。已经发表科研论著300余篇(部),国际刊物客座编辑专辑10余部。Google Scholar引用14902次,H指数58Web of Science160篇文章引用12319次,H指数54;连续入选2014-2016年爱思唯尔及汤森路透全球高被引科学家榜单。现任《地质科学》主编,现任或曾任GSA Bulletin (2016-2018)Journal of Asian Earth SciencesGeoscience FrontiersJournal of the Geological Society, LondonTerra NovaGondwana ResearchInternational Journal of Geosciences等多个国内外学术刊物编委;2005-2017任加拿大Waterloo大学Adjunct Professor2012-2015任香港大学荣誉教授;中国地质学会构造地质学与地球动力学专业委员会副主任;中国地质学会区域地质与成矿专业委员会副秘书长。








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